Previous qualifications required: basic computer skills
Number of training days: 1 day

Training objective:
The training will introduce participants to the possibilities of using PowerPoint from the basics to creating animated, professional presentations.

Description of the training:
The training will introduce the use of PowerPoint from the basics, starting with customization options and the possibilities to create presentations. We will then move on to formatting text, shapes, tables and charts, and then to more advanced solutions such as animation and the use of multimedia elements (e.g. videos, sounds). At the end of the training, tips on projection will be covered.

Detailed topics:

  • Introduction to PowerPoint
  • Menus, tools and customisation
  • Screen views (normal, slide view, reading view)
  • Create, save and open presentations
  • Insert slides (slide layouts), move, copy, delete
  • Save slides, file formats (.pptx, file formats of previous versions)
  • Basic content elements and their formatting options
  • Text elements and their formatting (text boxes, WordArt, themes, etc.)
  • Drawing and editing shapes
  • Editing and formatting diagrams, diagram types
  • Inserting tables, using styles
  • Presentation formatting
  • Using and modifying themes
  • Background styles and templates
  • Transition, timing between slides and between objects
  • Advanced techniques: images, sounds, videos
  • Editing images, how the new Designer works
  • Embedding and playing online audio
  • Insert and attach videos, basic editing options
  • Presentation and collaboration
  • Inserting notes, sharing and real-time collaborative editing
  • Hidden slides and custom slideshows
  • Create a lecture note
  • Options for controlling the projection